AZ Election Info
We are living in a time unlike any other before. One by one our rights and way of life are being infringed upon. Now is the time for you to step up and take a role in what kind of future we leave to our children and grandchildren. What can YOU do?​
Make sure you are registered to vote. Click on one of the buttons at the bottom of this page to make sure you are registered correctly.
Do your research. Get to know who the candidates are, who they are funded by, and what their positions are on topics that are important to you (e.g. border security, education, inflation, gun control, election integrity).
Vote, if possible, in person. Do not use a sharpie - bring your own black pen.
If you vote by mail, drop off your ballot to a secure voting location rather than putting it in a mailbox.
Become a poll worker or poll observer. This year, more than ever, we need eyes on ballots and all drop boxes. If you are interested in becoming a poll observer, call or text (480) 757-4002.
Report ballot issues. If you have received multiple ballots, or ballots for someone else, report it locally to or click on the button at the bottom of the page. To report it to TRUE THE VOTE, go to or call (855) 585-2022.
If you have moved, click the button below to re-register under your new address.
Become a Precinct Committeeman. Each legislative district has representatives who serve to keep their local community updated about what is happening. You can become as involved as you want to be. There is a meeting held at Tri City Baptist, 2211 W Germann Rd, Chandler, 85286 on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 6:30PM to 8:30PM.
The best way to preserve the future for our children and grandchildren is to
Get Involved!