What's Next?
The Connections Class
Going to a new church can be scary. We want to make that process easy for you by helping you get plugged into whatever it is that you're looking for. By taking the Connection Class, you'll learn all about our church to see if it fits your needs, and make some awesome friends along the way! The class is just one Sunday morning, at the church, at 9:00am. There are 3 main questions that we answer in the Connection Class to help you get plugged in.
Who Are We?
You'll learn all about FFC, and what we believe in. You'll also meet Pastor Andy and Deb White, and get to know them and their personalities.
Where are we Going?
We'll talk about the mission of our church. God is taking us on an amazing journey, and we want you to come and be a part of it!
Do We Match?
You'll learn if we offer what you need. There's so many different things that different people need. And we believe you can find all of those needs right here.
**Everybody who wants to volunteer at FFC is required to complete The Connection Class
**Everybody who wants to volunteer with minors (ex: DNA Youth, Kingdom Kids, Nursery) must also complete a background check